
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Witch Hazel – Blooming in the Winter Garden

Fantastic Winter Blossoms - Witch Hazel and More

100_0154 100_0157 The Winter Aconites at Wegerzyn Gardens, a Five Rivers Metro Park in Dayton.  The Eranthis hyemalis  blooms beneath the deciduous canopy where the sun reaches the ground.  Winter Aconite creates a golden carpet, and has even been know to bloom above a snow cover. 

The forty different Witch Hazel, a feature at this park, are beautiful.

100_0161 Witch Hazel, Hamamelidaceae,  is a deciduous shrub, or small tree which grows to about 15 feet tall.  

Winter Garden Colors - Garden Ideas for Your Yard


The Witch Hazel blossoms are not only colorful, but fragrant, as well.
 100_0169100_0167  100_0165
Dozens of hellebores were not to be outdone. Their leaves are semi-evergreen, and the blooms are some of the earliest in the garden.


Blooms  AND a 47 degree day in February, AND a clear blue sky.
Thanks for strolling along with me today.  c


  1. Witch Hazel is one of those I wish I still had room for but I don't. They are really nice shrubs. Alteast I have my winter blooming Heather going right now and I am so appreciative of that while we wait for Spring to come to us.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. Really enjoyed looking at these. I especially like that you took full bush shots, too - not something you often see, but so important.
