
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Garden Gifts Are Blessings

Gift of Sights – Blessing #8

Certainly the actual gift of sight is what is viewed with the eye.  But for this exercise, I am referring to the views we see with those eyes in the garden.

Gazing up through the trees, to a cloudless sky is a blessing.  Looking across a field of wildflowers, gently swaying waves of color is certainly a gift. Watching a pollen laden bee tirelessly working another blossom is a gift.

 Pleasing sights are truly a blessing.  Some elements that the eye finds pleasing are symmetry, proportion, shapes, and color.

These shapes of the oval or the columnar work as features in the garden.

Acer_saccharumWikimediaBruceMarlin oval shape CupressussempervirensStrictaColumnarItalianCypressFlickrnautical2k

Trees and shrubs come in various sizes and shapes.  Shapes that are tall in the landscape draw the eye upward and take in the vastness of structures and views.  Plants that are low and round enclose and area and make us feel cozy.  

By grouping plants in sets of odd numbers, the eye picks this out to be pleasing.  Use three, five, seven, or more is lovely, and a gift from the garden.

sight - use sets of odd no. items

Multi-trunked  River Birch is used as a focal point. The eye seeks out the structural element and its shape and texture add to the beauty the eye sees- a place to let the eye rest on its journey.

 sight - clump river birch

sight forest pansey redbud

This Redbud, Forest Pansy, stands out a specimen tree in this landscape.  The leaves keep this pinkish mauve color and grouped here among the foundation plants, is a great focal point. The subtle shades in the garden are calming, refreshing and often come with a sigh putting the body and the mind at rest.

  sight focal point

Something as simple as this fountain creates a lovely sight and a focal point too.  The peachy colors tie into the surrounding plants, and the tall, burgundy cannas to the back offer balance.

 Bouncing colors against another in the same hue, or shade, is not difficult.  If you like the combination, the combination is perfect. A gift of color and style create an interesting sight.

sight - balance

Any border in the garden  should move the eye around from front to back, and draw the visitor along into the garden. Here the taller roses are at the rear, with a medium planting of sage, and the low, front of the border is parsley.  This is a nice combination of color and balance; a blessing of a beautiful sight in this border.

sight - rock edgersight - neat border

Two common elements of these borders are the smooth curved edges.  This feature is done well and is a gift for the eye to behold. The smooth transition from the lawn and border gives the eye a continuous line to move it along. Cut deep so the grass isn't running back into the plants, or with an edging of stones to keep the line crisp, these beds are enjoyable.

Curves offer an easy transition for the eye and act as a frame of a masterpiece when outlines of grass and mulch define the view.
sight - mulch

If this straight lined garden pleases your eye, perhaps it is the offset of the center path.  Or the placement of round, curved stones. The eye can find pleasure in this lovely space. Cool colors and a quietness fill the space.The uncluttered space lets the view become a meditation area as the eye and mind reflect on life.

images (2)

sight - chiller, filler, spiller

Containers can be simple with just one plant type included.  But when a large planter is being featured, remember the combination of, ‘Spillers, Fillers, and Chillers’.  Spillers refer to the draping plant around the outer edges; the Filler is the middle plant of medium height, and the Chiller is the tall centerpiece. This arrangement is stunning and the eye will appreciate how the motion moves up and down, and back again.  Truly a blessing.

sight, curves

This entry way is done well.  The curve of the walk, the varying heights of the plants, and the focal point of the globed standard in front of the window make this landscape a pleasant sight for the eye.  All is proportioned well.  ( Front beds depth needs to be 1/3 of the height of the outside wall.  If the side of the house is 12 feet high, then the border bed should be at least 4 feet from the foundation.  Proportion in plant height should be considered too.  A bed of 6 inch begonias against a 12 foot siding, would not please the eye.)

87313a000f712d64_6099-w422-h634-b0-p0--modern landscapeThe eye goes to color.  As in this photo of a contemporary garden, the orange artwork is accented by red/orange mulch.  In this case the plant material is the backdrop of the art. Very well done, and a blessing to the eye.

Likewise, moving a single color of plant - say a white phlox - through the garden lets the eye move from white to white. Viewing the landscape in this way allows the eye to see the whole area, and take in the subtle changes in shadows, light, and color and is truly a gift.  .

sight colorsight - one color

So many views of the garden, and each one changes from week to week, and season to season.  As a few colorful plants spend down their bloom time, another scene comes into focus, just as interesting, and just as pleasing.   Each is a gift, and a blessing to see.
Thanks for visiting Gardening Naturally with me today.  Do you have a favorite view in your garden?  Please share it with us. 

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