
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Landscape Matures–Update on April and Adam’s Landscape Project

In 2010 I lost a large pine tree to some blight.  This opened my once shady garden into a sunny space.  So out came azalea’s, hydrangeas, pachysandra, and hostas.  To make room for sun loving plants, and create more lawn, April and Adam collected daylilies and hostas, and some other plants from my deconstruction project. 


April collected plants and we laid out a plan for the front garden.  PA070110PA070111

In the mean time, the large pine tree in April and Adam’s front yard went the way of the chainsaw and chipper in much the same way as my pine tree.  But nature has a way of balancing out and the added sun has made this front garden a bright and colorful addition to the landscape. 

Many perennials need time to develop and mature.  The first year of a transplant the roots need to just get established.  Keeping plants evenly moist is critical during the establishment phase.  The plants will sleep, in the fact that the foliage and the blooms are not draining the transplant of needed energy to the roots. 

The second year after a perennial is in the ground, the roots creep along, become more in mass, and take in nutrients to help the plant mature.  The second year the plant will product foliage and some blooms.

But just wait!

The third season – this season for Adam and April – the perennials literally leap from the ground with a spectacular show.


This zebra grass is surrounded by a variegated liriope.  The tall grass anchors this corner of the house without much maintenance.  A shearing to the ground in the late winter or early spring will allow new fresh foliage grow.

This is one of the hosta that was moved, and to the front of it is this ‘Husker Red’, a full, healthy Penstemon with seed heads attached.

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With the pine tree gone, this sunny area has outdone it’s original plan. Daylilies, Hemerocallis, will produce bloom in part shade, but the added hours of sun to this garden has been a pleasant surprise.  This native spiderwort, Tradescantia was also a surprise.  The strappy foliage was mistaken as a daylily in October when this garden was planted, but the vibrant blue looks well with the yellow daylilies in bloom at this time.


One other design feature to be pointed out is the curved walkway to the front door.  This curve, as opposed to a straight line, is more inviting to a visitor, and frames these beds well.
Landscapes need the time to mature, and this is a great example of waiting for the seasons to pass and reward our patience.

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