
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mother Nature Has a Tantrum


 From Shade Garden to Sunny Garden in One Afternoon.

This Maple tree toppled during the hail storm.  As is landed directly between our neighbors house and ours, little property damage incurred.  However, this tree was sitting due south of our front garden.  What that means is the shade that I designed our landscape around was totally bathed in nice warm, direct sunshine!

Buried under this mess I have hydrangeas, wigelias, daylilys, and liatris.

This hosta never did not die, but it never really looked good the rest of the summer

The tree stayed on the fence for about a month, and I wasn't sure what I'd find beneath this mess.

Amazingly enough, only one hydrangea had a broken branch.  Everything else survived and thrived! 
 Salvia - still blooming the last week in October.  Stella'd'Oro daylily has buds still coming on...

Hosta, 'Fragrant Bouquet' was not in deep shade any longer, and produced more leaves with great texture and a bright lime green color

 Turtle Head, 'Hot Lips' and Toad Lily are enjoying the extra sun and are still putting on a show the last week in October. 

The Autumn climatis really outgrew her usual boundaries, and helped herself to some extra room on the neighbor's fence.

So even though Mother Nature showed me who is boss, I have to concede she knew what her little guys needed!  My 'sunny garden' is looking great and I have, once again, been reminded that I'm not the source or the center of my gardening world - just a caretaker.  A job title I'm proud to claim.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I am so glad to hear that the tree did not do much damage. This has been a year of extremes everywhere it seems. I am sure most of your shade plants will probably enjoy a little more sun without problems. Your hostas look good and hydrangea's will snap right back. I am sad to see all of the blooms fading and the cold weather coming in. The Fall colors were way to short in my area of the state and the most colorful leaves were gone with the wind and the rains. Have a lovely weekend Claudia.
