
Monday, October 31, 2011

Pine Tree Wilt

Pine Tree Loss Changed Landscape

Our 40+ ft Pine (Norway, or White, I'm uncertain which) took a rapid decline this summer.  I first noticed that the needles had a droplet on each tip.  The sticky substance dripped off the tree as though it had just rained. Plants beneath the tree were covered with a white residue, and my hair and the dog's fur were gummy.

Within two weeks it was apparent that we had lost this pine tree.  Research I did indicated the Pine Tree Wilt was the cause.  Seems a  pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus is responsible.   The pinewood nematode is native to North America, is taking our trees in the central part of the United States.

Little, if anything, can be done to save the tree once it shows these drastic signs.  The best way, I am told, is to remove the tree, and burn or shred the wood.  

Upon determining to have the tree removed, my hubby and I scrambled to relocate lots of plant material.  I knew the tree trimmers would not be gentle to the surrounding beds.  

We moved Hosta, Japanese painted ferns, Daylilies, and three clumps of Hydrangea, Annabelle, anywhere we could find a spot.  I had to water everything almost daily the rest of the summer, but I'm pretty sure everything settled in well.

Two azaleas (sp. unknown) in their new home.

Hardy begonia are going to over-winter in this bed till spring.

So, even though we lost a great tree to Pine Tree Wilt, I now have a section of the yard to redesign during the winter!  

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to this post. We had curb work where I had to move plants within 18 inches of the street. Then, a year or two later, we had to have a large tree cut down. We miss the tree, and our cooling bills were higher this year, but we are enjoying the garden room I am working to create using mostly native plants.

    It looks like your plants handled the move well. Enjoy planning the new area.
