How to Make Your Patio a Garden
No matter what size your space is, you can have an interesting, colorful, and productive garden. My friend, Luanne has created this whimsical garden on her second floor apartment patio deck. The space is approximately 5' x 8' and is a lovely array of plant material.
Houseplants that require low light are ideal for this small space. And a woodland setting is achieved by adding hills and dales to the landscape.
To keep the neighbors below from having soil rain down on them, Luanne placed a waterproof sheet down. On this, a couple of bags of potting soil were spread out.
Several Hosta
Containers are used in this project. The watering needs of the variety of plants is easier to control and the containers
This lovely patio garden is more than a stage for the plants. The limited space and proximity to the soil have not caused Luanne to forfeit her need to garden. With the garden bench
Thanks for visiting today. What small space have you created into a garden?
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