Lawn and Garden Preparations for Winter
Fall cleanup for me is directly connected to the weather. So taking advantage of the sixty degree days has left me with no excuses. So yesterday, I started the lawn cleanup.
The Little Leaf Linden still has tons of leaves to drop, but the Sycamore, American Planetree in the back has very large, heavy leaves. I raked all the perennial beds, pulling the leaves into the grass. I pay particular attention to the Hosta beds because overwintering slugs will lay eggs at or near the crown of each plant. I have had damage from slugs as early as April when I neglected this part of the cleanup.
The mower mulched the dry leaves well, leaving only ground up organic matter to give the soil a long lasting source of nutrition.
I last fertilized the lawn in October with a liquid organic spray. With that feeding and now the mulched leaves, the grass will survive the stress of winter, and grow thick and lush in the spring.
If your grass is still growing, continue to mow. The over winter length should be about an inch shorter than you mowed in the summer, or approximately 2".
As the rest of the trees drop their 'gift', I will again use the mower to aid in the cleanup. However, I will use the bag attachment to gather the mulched leaves and grass clipping. These I will sprinkle over the perennial beds. This organic material will decompose (nearly) by spring, and will enhance the soils microorganisms and create loose soil that is alive and well.
This next part of my fall cleanup may sound like I'm a lazy gardener. (Isn't that an oxymoron?) When in fact I justify leaving the garden pretty much intact as 'that's the way Mother Nature gardens!' The winter interest
is marvelous and extends the garden another season.
1 comment:
I still have quite a bit of fall clean-up to do also (lots of leaves)! I love any clean-up that I can avoid and call..."winter interest" :)
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